Protect Your Hay from Mold with Hay Acid
Preventing mold and preserving your hay is critical. You need a proven preservative for processing high moisture content, and we trust HayMax Plus hay acid, a preservative solution made up of propionic acid. Propionic acid for hay is the best mold-inhibiting agent on the market and has proven effective against Aspergillus (which produces aflatoxin and ochratoxin). The hay acid we supply allows you to begin baling sooner, at moisture levels up to 30%.
HayMax Plus

HayMax Plus is a buffered propionic acid for hay, a preservative for processing high moisture hay, corn, grain, silage, haylage and feed blends. HayMax Plus is a solution of propionic acid, ammonium propionate, citric acid, ammonium citrate, surfactants, and colorant. The minimum propionic acid content is 68.0%. In addition, HayMax Plus also contains 2% citric acid. The total concentration of working ingredients is 77.5% – a maximum of only 22.5% water. The pH is controlled at 5.5 to 5.8 with a specific gravity of 1.065-1.075 (8.9#/gl). Citric acid has significant benefits when baling high moisture hay. It imparts a sweeter fragrance to the hay and allows it to stay green in color. The hay retains a couple of percent more moisture on drying. Citric acid allows baling at a higher moisture level than normally recommended – a benefit when weather does not allow drying as low as would be preferred.
- 2400lb tote
- 480lb drum
Hay Acid Application Instructions
HayMax Plus is not recommended for use on hay that is above 30% moisture, and uniform distribution is very important. The hay should be raked into medium-sized, fluffy windrows. A 3-nozzle boom should be attached to the baler pick-up in a manner that the hay is sprayed while still fluffy so that the spray can penetrate the windrow. Fan-type nozzles should be used with a minimum pressure of 20 lbs. per square inch. Floot-type nozzles are not satisfactory.
*Store out of direct sunlight.
Very helpful, extremely organized, and the best prices I’ve seen.
C. Spiering
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